Product lineup:buddhist-kakejiku
Product ID-B0013 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Calligraphy: Namu-Myōhō-Rengekyō / Ueda Shūzan JPY 20,000
Product ID-B0014 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Amitabha Tathagata / Uchida Tōrin Amidanyorai JPY 50,000
Product ID-B0015 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Bodhidharma / Tanaka Masaaki Daruma
Product ID-B0051 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Bodhidharma / Kuzuya Seizan Daruma JPY 38,000
Product ID-B0052 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Bodhidharma / Takagi Ichiei Daruma
Product ID-B0054 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: 13 Buddhas / Kinoshita Yumeji Jūsan-butsu JPY 40,000
Product ID-B0084 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Willow Leaf Guanyin / Kawamura Kanpō Yōryū Kannon JPY 50,000
Product ID-B0085 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Amitabha Triad / Kawamura Kanpō Amida Sanzonbutsu JPY 50,000
Product ID-B0086 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Red-Robed Bodhidharma / Kawamura Kanpō Shudaruma JPY 35,000
Product ID-B0087 Kakejiku Hanging Scroll: Amitāyus / Nakasaka Kōun Muryōju JPY 30,000
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Name Art Nomura
President Tatsuji Nomura
Address7-23 Babadori, Tarumi-ku, Kobe city,
Hyougo Prefecture, 655-0021, Japan
Capital10 million yen
Our Business
Art Nomura is an art dealer which produces kakejiku (hanging scrolls). We mount many paintings and calligraphic works in kakejiku in my factory. Kakejiku are our main product. We also remount and repair old or damaged kakejiku. We share the traditional Japanese art of kakejiku with people all over the world.
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